Friday, 24 January 2014

Why Do You Need A Watch To Do What Your Phone Does?

I'm sure when first tablet was announced a naysayer uttered this three letter word, WHY. The question has undoubtedly been answered, emphatically! Now that the phone and tablet oranges have been squeezed dry everyone is looking for the next big thing. Enter the smartwatch....

This is one thing that divides opinions and I'm about to throw my hat into the ring.
Since the most basic cellphone came on the market, people have relied less on wrist watches because the phone had some form of a clock and since you use it so often it's easy to forget about checking your watch for the time. This time,the watch strikes back albeit too late.
Why do I need notifications on my watch? They'll say what if your phone is far away from you, then I'll say I don't understand the concept of a mobile phone. yeah it's cool that your phone tells you that you just got poked on Facebook but to poke back you need your phone.

Why would I need to take photos on my watch? For one thing, the pictures won't be of good quality compared to your phone. Don't dare say spy cam because that would make it a peeping tom's best friend.

Why would you want to make calls from your phone? I haven't seen anyone do but I'm pretty sure you need to speak into the watch like a secret service agent. May look cool but how long before the action starts to irritate you?

Fitness companion? Yes! Now that's a perfect way to use the smart watch hoping the manufacturer makes it with its own GPS receiver.

I'm sure you can come up with a few of your own 'why would you need a smart watch' statements... the smartphone is called such because it does a lot of clever things and only relies on a data connection and not another device. If you have one,tell me how it's changed your life. If you don't, think twice about making that investment.

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