Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Flashpoint Paradox

The 2014 Flash TV series is one that has gotten me thinking after watching it's season finale and having already seen the animated movie "Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox". I have already weighed in on time travel in a previous post which was more of a short opinion on the concept. This one is more likely to be the same.....SPOILER ALERT IF YOU INTEND TO WATCH THE FLASH. 😁

The premise on which Justice League Flashpoint Paradox is based is that Barry Allen voluntarily dashes back into the past and saves his mother from being murdered by the Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne. This action changes the course of time. Barry loses his powers, Iris isn't his woman anymore, and the reverse flash exists and causing all sorts of havoc. The TV series and movie somehow align at this point. The Flash is faced with that tough decision, save his mother or not and in both instances 'future' him stops himself from doing that.

The question now is whether this action maintains the current course of time or develops another line. The existence of multiple coexisting universes is always debated. Does your current time line eventually go back to a critical point in your future or will time keep its path? I digress......What got me to write this is the ending of the season finale of season 1.

Is that the last we've seen of the reverse flash? Was Eddie Thawne's death in vain? When present Flash went through the worm hole and was instructed not to help by future him (who I'll refer to as PF and FF), FF knew would PF would show up at that exact moment.....meaning had Eddie not shot himself time would have remained as is. Another thing that leaves me wondering is why FF stopped PF. Points to FF knowing what the consequences of saving his mother would be and how else do we know the consequence? By carrying out an action meaning PF in a parallel timeline did save his mother and things went wrong so to correct them PF told himself  (after going backwards to some critical point so as not to save his mother again) that on the day he chases the reverse flash who wants to kill his child-self he should signal to past him that he should hold back from saving his mom.

Something else bothering me is if FF knew about Eddie's act to kill himself...If he did then the reverse flash lives and Eddie somehow comes back to life because of the simple fact that the fight in Barry's childhood living room still takes place. If he didn't, then that is a parallel future that only the present Flash would remember. In that case the present Flash needs to find another arch rival as the reverse flash is dead.

No one seems to address the Reverse Flash (from more than 100 years in the future) fighting with the Flash, whether present or future. Does that mean Barry lives to be a hundred? Or does he age veeeeeeery slowly? Or he mastered how to travel forwards and found the Reverse Flash's plot to kill him?

Maybe I need to read more of the comic books to make sense or some sense of all this. Season 2 will put some of my questions to bed. It's a long wait though.

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